starting a blog!

2024/02/16 - and by extension a new webshrine

phanta sleeping on the floor, very tired.

WHOOOH man okay, first blog post on this webshrine! hello!

this blog post is probably gonna be pretty short becaue it's just me rambling about my experiences making the website and stuff. it was actually mostly coincidential that i started making this around valentine's day! i was spurred into this because:

  • this year im turning [INSERT AGE NEAR 18]
    • i want to get out most of my thoughts about zaeadr before i become an adult LOL, i'll best capture it NOW rather than later!
  • i finally got a break between my college classes to ACTUALLY code something!
    • finished my first unit test for US history lets goo (trying not to think about how hard i failed it)

here's to hoping i also get around to making that dib ukagaka! might take a bit...

so why a blog?

i ramble a lot about zaeadr on my girlfriend's discord for our irl friends, it's where i make A LOT of my plot developments outside the actual fic. but i basically do this nowhere else! maybe my private twitter, but like... thats ALSO a private space! i want something more OFFICIAL, more PUBLIC... but not TOO public. that's where blogging comes in!!

i started trying to set up a blog through zonelets, but i found it kinda restricting starting off from a template. and i realized i didn't need to AUTOMATE organizing my blog posts... since this is so small scale, i'd prefer to do it myself. i also don't want to depend more on javascript more than i already do. i definitely do recommend zonelets if you want to get into html blogging, though!

anyways. expect more specific things on zaeadr soon :) i don't rly expect anyone to read these, it's all for fun ^_^ this differs from the manifesto in how i'm not trying to EXPLAIN why i ship zaeadr, but how i'm just rambling about cute story beats and headcanons and aus and stuff. yeah!

sigh... it'll take a while for another blog post though... i have to make the framework for the gallery first, so i can put images in my posts... and that means i have to rearrange some images... website making is hard... but so worth it!!!!!!!

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(manifesto done!! what now!!)