manifesto done!! what now!!

2024/03/12 - plus some life updates

phanta jumping for joy, neir hands in the air :D

more accurately it was finished yesterday! and by finished i mean it's at a point where i'm happy with it and don't feel like adding anything else as of rn :D

i'm SUPER happy with it!!!!!!! i know the way i type is kinda hard to read, but i bolded some things and hopefully that should show the organizational structure better :3 i think its self explanatory but i still wanna talk abt it. i got to explain how i began to ship them and why i think they work so cutely together and how they mettttt ITS SO CUTE YAY YAHOO

so now, uhm. i want to work on this website more so that all the side tabs actually go somewhere. but i'm kinda stuck right now. remember last time how i said i needed to work on the gallery?? I KINDA CAN'T... or at least, i'm not in a place where i can right now :Vc

this is bc i'm worried that github is a REALLY easy place to scrape for. image sets. if yk what i mean. so i've been trying to get a webglaze account because none of my devices can run glaze UGHH,,,, i know it's not a permanent solution but i'm trying to be more careful when putting more of my stuff online in one concentrated place. idk man so thats why im stuck

what now gang...

tbh i think i'm fine with just doing blog posts in the meantime, and reorganizing images later. all it would take is a search and replace for the reorganized images. also, the episode diary would be really easy to do because i have so little screenshot edits atm. it'd probably be rly similarly structured like THIS BLOG, maybe..?? for the sake of posterity, i don't think it'd be a good idea to make it all one, long page... idk. i'm THINKING alright. mostly just rambling.

right now i'm like, halfway through my spring break and i've done NOTHING. i want to apply for scholarships and finish up a study guide for a test and i haven't done ANY OF THAT. the only thing i've done is play fantasy life on the 3ds LOL. and THAT whole thing is a mess because i'm pretty sure the ribbon cable connecting the top and bottom screens is broken or something and i don't want to have to fix it. my 3ds is on it's LAST LEGS man... this is a completely unrelated ramble but these past few weeks i have been feeling SO AIMLESS. guh... zaeadr save me...

ok i don't want to leave this on a bleak note. i AM very happy i finished da manifesto :3 and writing this out has given me a more concrete idea of what i'm gonna do..... its fun :D i'm having fun gang

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(starting a blog)
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(gayliens: pushing my silly headcanons)