external links!!!

want an 88x31 button to link to this site?! use this!

no need to self host! use this img src: https://file.garden/X_3khxgapBy70O8i/Misc/2023phantabutton.gif

i definitely PREFER you self-host though! bandwidth and all that >_>

anyways, have time to look thru some links? these are cool websites and resources i like!! see table for quick access to all the sections on this page :0 PLEASE tell me if a link breaks so i can chuck it into internet archive n fix em
(if ur site is here and ya wanna be removed from here lmk!)

personal sites~

few of these ppl are my friends. all of them are ppl who i think are cool :D

  • ashido
    • so you know handplates gaster right? the gaster ukagaka got me into making ukagakas. and ukagaka dev is what got me into old web stuff. and OLD WEB STUFF got me into website making. thanks zarla ig for domino-chaining me into making this site?! also this page layout is totally not stolen from her
  • zi's ukagaka space
    • SPEAKING OF UKAGAKAS. i basically banked on zi's ukgk site for a lot of my advanced dev stuff. also she's the reason im using github pages. ty zi. one of the backbones of the eng ukgk community fr... tysm...
  • azura levidre's website
    • i am constantly impressed by levidre's coding,,, if you're into ukgk dev there's good code here!! also she's just cool and also made a zim ghost :3
  • digi's pastel hell
    • PASTEL HELL!!!! very pretty. also has ukgk dev, hello! and a very cool dont starve together mod >:3
  • galla's ghosts
    • hehe :3 I CAN PUT AS MANY UKAGAKA WEBSITES HERE AS I WANT!! go check out galla's balloons they're neat!!!
  • sunny cities
    • out of ukgk hell at last. ANYWAYS i referenced his site a lot for mine, i really like the layout and the hoards :] idk i just. the vibe spoke to me (i think i found the site from an iz discord? i can't remember)
  • kotatsu.me
    • i love the theme that's going on here! seems nice and mobile friendly! i dunno if it would've been better if i did my website in tabs like this instead of one big body chunk. but eh. SORRY FOR THE RANT there's lots of good system resources here if anyones lookin for those! i dont follow webmaster but i found the site through their hi-fi rush blinkies.
  • cinni's dream home
    • v popular neocities site but AHH the aesthetic is so good!! i am putting it on this page bc i like it a lot in particular! nice resources too :0c
  • kalechips
    • very accessible and pretty site :] good pointers for accessibility, too. mostly here for the userboxes, tysm!!
  • sugar for brains
    • how did you make this layout. I LOVE IT. eyecandy. embedded music and audio + bright and moving colors galore!
  • icecreampizzer - welcome to the pizzeria!
    • bro i LOVE gene's ocs so much. i'd reccommend going to her toyhou.se or tumblr bc OUGHWEIUGH they make my brain rot. i learned all by bootstrap from her toyhou.se codes too!! pretty website raghh
  • mystsaphyr
    • i think i found her thru a webring? anyways HER LAYOUT IS AWESOME and i love how clean it is! also her vtuber model is so cool... i know nothing abt this person but they r awesome.
  • flaringk's website
    • TONS of good resources (esp for homestuck) like quirk builders, hexcodes, sprite exporting, gif analyzing, gif GENERATORS, css textboxes, WIZARD 101 USERNAME GENERATORS... come on guys.
  • tempoyak1kan
    • POINTING ANOTHER MALAY. sorry i had to edit this one because i realized i'm older than them. but basically everything else (fandom, interests, nationality.) THE SAME. i love their ocs and website layout this fucks hard


i LOVE websites focused on media!!! theyre so cool i love lookin thru em


  • it's not stupid, it's advanced!
    • one of my FAVORITE modern iz sites!!! has working links for like, old zim games and stuff. among other things!! really though the website layout is super pretty and i want to achieve the same polish,,, but i have no energy,,,
  • the amazing invader zim website
    • ty webmaster for maintaining the page for so long! WOW is this place thorough with it's documentation of iz?? episode guides. interviews. archives. character bios. LIST OF EVERY SINGLE FOOD ITEM. whats not to love
  • room with a moose & gir
    • ANOTHER super big iz fansite with TONS OF INFO. probably currently has the most?! look at all those side tabs. AMAZING.
  • the zone
    • ohohohoo yes. love the gir side image. i especially like the misc tab. i will not explain why you will have to see it for yourself
  • the scary monkey show website
    • every iz fan knows about the scary monkey show website and mourns its passing. rip our biggest repository of invader zim fan info... anyways! still has some good stuff on the last archived versions of pages :D (ALSO THE LIZARD BOY SHRINEE)
  • the scary monkey show website REBOOT
    • AUWDAIHWD here's a restoration of the website above lol! unfortunately didn't get very far, as the project started in 2015 and seems to have been last updated in 2016... (seems like no one was helping the one person working on it,,,)
  • invadery doom
    • i found this site while browsing around and i really like the webmaster's ocs!! MIA AND FIR MY BELOVED. i wish i could find more content of them outside of the little stuff that was preserved on her deviantart,,

wikis blogs & reviews

not me lazily chucking these all into one category. LOOK these kinda things are super fascinating to me, i LOVE wiki and blog diving yk?

  • ukagaka dream team wiki
    • IF UR READING THIS U SHOULD CHECK OUT THE UDT WIKI. we put so much love into this guys. and it has MORE THAN 100 GHOSTS!! go go go go!!! (also please fix the stubs ty (HALF JOKE))

tools & references

for every topic under the sun because i can't organize for shit X_X


  • sadgrl.online
    • EVERYONE links to sadgrl. u know the drill by now, tons of neat website making goodies
  • appledust
    • another place everyone links to! super awesome creepycute graphics as of v3 (and pretty site in general!)
  • the super simple userbox maker
    • i made all of the userboxes on my website here! i really didn't want them to be images, i wanted them to be tables just like wikipedia, sooo um. yeah!!
  • ascii to hex
    • big conversion tools like this are always useful! it's not just limited to ascii and hex, including binary, decimal, rot13, etc!
  • html color picker
    • used this a lot for LITERALLY EVERYTHING, pick colors and you get it in TONS of formats. among other features... :3c
  • color combos
    • has online reference to color tags and provides legible color combos! can also grab a website's colors.


  • inklewriter
    • a choose your own adventure making tool! i used to use this in elementary school, its very near and dear to me (rip chara's stolen chocolate, my first cyoa on there... gone forever cause i couldn't back it up before the old site got deprecated)


  • saradika graphics (tumblr)
    • i use saradika's graphics thru this site! see the star dividers :D
  • a hat in time storybook art guide
    • ok this DOES link to a deviantart but IDC this is important to me!! the ahit storybook style. for anyone who wants to make a fan storybook!!
  • origami-instructions
    • super thorough about origami. i love this website. mwa mwa mwa.
  • gif stuck
    • generate homestuck gifs like enter name pages, allocating things to the specibus, alchemy equations, n applying the first guardian effect!!


  • sight reading factory
    • got forced to use this for choir in middle school but ngl this is. fun? learn sight reading. it's fun!!
  • mcbeeringi sky instruments
    • want to emulate those instruments from sky:cotl? WELL DO I HAVE THE SITE FOR YOU! now you don't need to whale out money or grind candles to play instruments! /lh


  • gemstone7 dictionary
    • my personal favorite gemstone site hehe. i can't vouch for "accuracy" or anything but i greatly enjoy the vibes here.

silly :3

partially an "everything else" tab. whats wrong with me sharing my favorite lil web thingies, huh?!

  • koalas to the max
    • i uploaded an image to it! just trust me on this.
  • i miss my cafe
    • still remains a very good productivity thing to have in the background when i don't feel like booting up anything haha :3
  • myNoise
    • more background sounds!! MORE!!! make any kinds that ya want!!!!


ik a lot of cyoas originate from 4c. i get them from reddit and imgur which is NOT MUCH BETTER LOL. keep in mind that as a result a lot of cyoas can be heteronormative and have harmful wording, i dont endorse ANY dicey stuff in them. for a lot of cyoas u will be a guy that can only kiss girls so either good for u or not SOB. rp opportunity or pretend the genders are different!!

  • portal jumper cyoas
    • interactive choose your own adventure site with resources to make your own website!! i have no idea how to use this but its been bookmarked since forever haha
  • cat break
    • one of my favorites! try finding and checking out all the versions, bc i like a lot of the companions from the older versions. this is also inspiration for my webmanga another 9 lives :3
  • a wizard's keychains
    • ohohoo this one is INGRAINED in my mind and i have no idea why?! its been a fave for years!! i like all the options! my personal favorite is the orchard, i have TONS of daydreams abt that one
  • alicorn king
    • this is an mlp one! its fun to imagine building powers w this one to achieve my 7 year old self's dreams! you saw the disclaimer in the header, this is from 4c and the queen part is iffy. goes at medium length abt sex and has weird parts abt age/immortality, heads up! i personally skip those whole parts.
  • prison of the mind
    • THIS ONE IS SO DETAILED I LOVE IT. dream themed with existential dread, too?! it's like you're catering to ME specifically! a first read is such an experience, do this one if u have the time (my guilty pleasure /lh is to remove the point system and craft my perfect dream hehe) theres TONS of secrets buried in this one,,,
  • goddess of the hearth
    • i have neglected to put this one here. this one's a cyoa CLASSIC. i love revisiting and fantasizing about this one it rocks


  • the nameless
    • this one is awesome! it has EXPANSIVE world building, character customization, and an awesome array of love interests!! make sure to check the content warnings for every text adventure going forward.
  • wayfarer
    • i LOVE the medieval fantasy (almost skyrim? AAJIWDJ SORRY) vibes, you can fight and shit!! plus there's complicated political aspects in this!! all around an AWESOME time, VERY detailed.
  • a tale of crowns
    • PERSONAL FAVORITE. thank you for the good middle eastern rep, esp in a fantasy universe. four love interests, mc is hidden royalty who has to grapple with political conflict and such... very cool :]
  • kai chronicles (lone wolf book series)
    • ok the app got taken off the app store, so i'd reccommend you just read the books if u don't wanna download a webapp LOL. but WOW kai chronicles took up so much of my life in middle school, it's a very expansive traditional medieval fantasy and the powerscaling over books is SO FUN. if you read the books be prepared with a google doc or something bc ur gonna have to keep track of A LOT.