zaeadr blog corner :D

zim plasters pictures of ely on a corkboard. computer says, boss, don't you think this is... zim responds, SILENCE. this is integral to the mission!

this page includes the most recent blog posts, as well as a few posts organized by category ^_^

this is updated and organized manually through html, so please tell me if anything is out of order or anything (not that anyone but me will notice LOL)

see the archive for all posts from newest to oldest, including all tags!

newest n freshest :3

meta posts!

  • manifesto done!! what now!!
    • 2024/03/12 - more accurately it was finished yesterday! and by finished i mean it's at a point where i'm happy with it...
  • starting a blog!
    • 2024/02/16 - WHOOOH man okay, first blog post on this webshrine! hello! this blog post is probably gonna be pretty short...

the story so far...

several AUs!

  • nothing yet ^-^