ksehi looks at the website, seeming annoyed.

this page is probably hell for mobile users in particular... flip your phone on its side if you need to!

ANYWAY, welcome to ALL TEH POSTS!! organized in a table of date, name, a small blurb, and tags. ctrl+f is your friend here!

the silly billy on this page is one of my ocs, ksehi! it's an archive drone, and i've forced it to help me out with organizing here :3c it has a crush on ely as well so this is hell for it.

just to help out, here's a little box full of all the most important tags to search by ;D
there are more tags than this, mostly just character and au names. theyre easy to find!

meta - story - AUs - eadr - eazr - zadr - zaeadr

y/m/d title blurb! tags
2024/04/02 gayliens: pushing my silly headcanons of course the invader zim ocxcc shipper made the characters gay. i mean, it's fun to make em gay! zaeadr has no cis characters or straight characters involved ehehehe :3c zaeadr story college
2024/03/12 manifesto done!! what now!! more accurately it was finished yesterday! and by finished i mean it's at a point where i'm happy with it and don't feel like adding anything else as of rn :D meta
2024/02/16 starting a blog! WHOOOH man okay, first blog post on this webshrine! hello! this blog post is probably gonna be pretty short becaue it's just me rambling about my experiences making the website and stuff. meta